The beloved Shiba Inu who captured the hearts of millions across the internet, passed away at the age of 12. Also known by his real name, Balltze, the iconic dog's journey came to a poignant end during a surgery to address his battle with pancreatic cancer.
Category: Uncategorized
Internet services resumed in Nuh on Monday, a day ahead of the Independence Day celebrations.
It’s going to be a lot tougher to access illegal streams of Sky games and programming through an IPTV, thanks to a court order empowering the UK broadcaster to take the offensive against pirates. Last month, the UK High Court granted Sky an order that will allow the company to stop piracy in real-time. The […]
Late last week, DIRECTV finally made its new Android TV powered streaming player available to DIRECTV via Internet customers. This new dongle, called Gemini Air, will be a 4K streaming player with HDMI 2.0 support. It will run the same operating system as the old Gemini streaming player. The big selling point with the new […]
Best VR Headsets under 1 Lakh: Discover the ultimate gateway to an immersive entertainment experience with the best Virtual Reality headset. With an array of products available in the market, there's a wide variety of headsets to choose from, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs and setup. We've carefully curated our top picks, making the decision-making process effortless!
The newly published in depth research report by Infinity Business Insights is titled Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Gaming Market Insights Expanding up to 2030 This extensive publication comprises over 110 pages and features an engaging presentation with visually ...
The newly published in depth research report by Infinity Business Insights is titled Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Aerospace Market Insights Expanding up to 2030 This extensive publication comprises over 110 pages and features an engaging presentation with visually ...
What should the city we live in look like? How do structural changes affect the people who move around it? Cartographers use virtual reality tools to explore these questions before a great deal of money is spent on building measures. Using the Unity3 game engine, they recreate scenarios in 3D where people can experience potential changes through immersion. They were able to prove that the physical reaction to this experience is measurable.
The folks in rural St. Landry Parish made a big impression on the vice president of the United States.
While still in its infancy here, a team of medical specialists are slowly developing VR training modules.