
Do cats need chiropractors? There’s a community on the internet that thinks so (VIDEO)

PARIS, Dec 28 — At a time when the well-being of our pets is becoming a key concern and a major industry, a new trend is getting attention on platforms like TikTok and Instagram:...

Japanese internet study beats global average

Japanese engineers created an internet connection that can transmit 22.9 petabits of data per second, exceeding global traffic by 20 times!

Internet boost fuelling online shopping boom

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s 91.4% internet penetration rate as of November, and the population’s over 90% smartphone usage, are propelling the online sh...

Texas seeks public input on statewide plan expanding access to high-speed broadband internet

The Texas Broadband Development Office, operated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, is soliciting input from the public on the new Texas Digital Opportunity Plan. The plan outlines how these entities will connect the Lone Star State for a brighter future by making it easier for all Texans to access and use the internet. From today through Jan. 5, 2024, Texans can give their opinions on the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan by visiting broadbandfortexas. com/tdop.

NASA cat video shows laser internet success

NASA beamed a cat video from outer space to Earth. Aside from being cute content, the clip proves we can send data in space via lasers.

Internet’s Hitler ‘Law’ Creator Weighs In on Trump-Biden

Mike Godwin suggests Trump knows exactly what he's doing with migrant rhetoric

India’s allocation of satellite internet airwaves is a big yay for Musk’s Starlink

India has put forth a proposal for the allocation of spectrum for satellite internet services, which entails a licensing approach. The Telecommunications Bill, 2023, tabled in the parliament on Monday, December 12, will likely exempt companies from competitive bidding.

VR goggles for mice improves research

Northwestern University researchers created VR goggles for mice to better understand how these animals react to swooping predators.

Best VR Headsets For Gaming And Entertainment: Discover the Pinnacle Of Gaming in Another Dimension

Best VR Headsets For Gaming And Entertainment: With the help of our carefully chosen list of the Best VR Headsets for Gaming and Entertainment, have an exciting virtual reality adventure. This article presents a selection of state-of-the-art gadgets that expand the definition of immersive experiences by taking readers to new worlds where entertainment and gaming coexist together.

GMO Internet Buying Stake in Tokyo Tower From Tokyu Group

GMO Internet is buying an additional 35 percent stake in Tokyo's Setagaya Business Square from Tokyu Group for JPY 15 billion ($100 million).