Happy New Years. Welcome to the Year of the Dragon. LEDE-JP027 Gekkaryuu – Crescent Dragon / Crescent Dragon – Mikazukinoyaiba Dragon, DARK, Lv 7, ATK 2200, DEF 2350 You can only use the 1st and 2nd…
To find magical armor! RD/HC01-JP040 Abysskite Miracle Girls Level 6 LIGHT Sea Serpent Effect Monster ATK 800 DEF 0 [REQUIREMENT] If you control another Sea Serpent monster, send the top card of the…
Your Favorite Kuriboh QCDB-JP002 Hane Kuriboh Level 6 / Winged Kuriboh LV6 LIGHT Fairy / Special Summon / Effect LV6 300/200 (This card is always treated as an "Elemental HERO" and "Favorite" card.)…
The "the author was on vacation" edition. -New Duel Pass: After the expiration of the previous Duel Pass, the new Duel Pass for the next 75 days in Master Duel has been introduced. By leveling up the…
Do it for her. AGOV-JP15 Elekihadamaguro (Wattuna) Level 4 LIGHT Thunder Tuner Effect Monster ATK 800 DEF 700 You can only use the 1st and 3rd effect of this card's name each once per turn. (1) If…
A memory you can barely remember, history so old, a voice behind you… Theme 1: メメント Memento An enormous monster(s) that revive again from oblivion! Theme 2: センチュリオン Centurion Iron knights that start…
The Visas cycle continues. AGOV-JP004 Visas Samsara LIGHT Fairy / Tuner / Effect LV4 1500/2100 You can only use the 2nd effect of this card's name once per turn. (1) This card's name becomes "
So 3000 Copies will be released in total. The first GET Campaign, featuring the legendary "Black Luster Soldier" is confirmed to begin June 10th, 2023 カオス・ソルジャー Chaos Solider (Black Luster Soldier)…
Squirrels without Frontiers RD/KP13-JP023 樹海の首領グーリ Jukai no Don Gurry (Don A. Corn of the Verdant Vast) Level 2 EARTH Beast Effect Monster ATK 800 DEF 200 [REQUIREMENT] Send 3 Spell/