DRL Internet Freedom Programs Portfolio Evaluation – United States Department of State

The United States Department of State, Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Office of Global Programming (DRL/GP) commissioned DevTech Systems, Inc. to conduct a mixed method evaluation of the Internet Freedom (IF) Portfolio to examine the effectiveness of its strategy; garner lessons learned; assess progress; and ascertain any unintended outcomes. This summary presents a […]

Designation of Arvan Cloud and Affiliates That Have Aided Internet Censorship in Iran – United States Department of State

Today, the United States is announcing additional sanctions in our effort to support the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Iranian people, including the freedom of expression both online and offline including the freedom to access information via the Internet. We are designating the Iran-based technology company known as “Arvan Cloud” for its role […]

Secretary Antony J. Blinken At a Session On “Advancing Democracy and Internet Freedom in a Digital Age” Summit for Democracy – United States Department of State

MS MESERVE:  Thank you, Secretary Blinken.  To build a more rights-respecting future, it’s clear that democracies need to define an affirmative vision for how technology can promote democracy.  Our first session, Advancing Democracy and Internet Freedom in a Digital Age, will help us think through how we might craft a world in which technology and democracy […]

Secretary Antony J. Blinken At a Session On “Advancing Democracy and Internet Freedom in a Digital Age” Summit for Democracy – United States Department of State

MS MESERVE:  Thank you, Secretary Blinken.  To build a more rights-respecting future, it’s clear that democracies need to define an affirmative vision for how technology can promote democracy.  Our first session, Advancing Democracy and Internet Freedom in a Digital Age, will help us think through how we might craft a world in which technology and democracy […]

Joint Statement from the 13th U.S.-Japan Policy Cooperation Dialogue on the Internet Economy – United States Department of State

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and Japan on the occasion of 13th U.S.-Japan Policy Cooperation Dialogue on the Internet Economy. Begin text: The United States and Japan renewed their shared commitment to open, interoperable, reliable, and secure digital connectivity and information and communication […]