Opinion | Strap on, tune in. The sad, yet compelling future, as seen through Apple’s Vision Pro goggles Post author By thestar.com Post date June 10, 2023 When you think of a work device strapped to your body making you accessible when you wear it, writes Navneet Alang, the sheen wears off a bit.
Opinion | Apple is about to launch a $3,000 ‘mixed-reality headset,’ industry watchers say. Why would anyone want that? Post author By thestar.com Post date April 1, 2023 A headset sounds terribly futuristic, writes Navneet Alang, but even Apple employees seem uncomfortable with the tech giant’s rumoured new product.
Opinion | Here’s why virtual reality won’t be tech’s ‘next big thing’ Post author By thestar.com Post date February 4, 2023 Despite Big Tech’s infatuation with VR, writes Navneet Alang, recent weak demand for products shines a light on the main problem: it’s escapist, niche and misses what people actually want out of tech