Every reaction can help: Increasing the sense of responsibility of internet users

Certain messages can drive internet users to take action in the face of cyberbullying, although the diffusion of responsibility on the internet works similarly to that in direct contact, say researchers ...

Venezuelan crisis has negatively affected country’s internet, researchers find

As the Venezuelan crisis intensifies, researchers and policy experts have worked to understand its ramifications on the country's politics, economics, health services, water security, infrastructure and ...

New eye tracking controlled VR system enhances MRI scans for young children

New eye tracking technology has been developed which enables gaze based human computer interaction to operate immediately and robustly without any explicit set-up tasks. Integrating this technology as ...

New eye tracking controlled VR system enhances MRI scans for young children

New eye tracking technology has been developed which enables gaze based human computer interaction to operate immediately and robustly without any explicit set-up tasks. Integrating this technology as ...

Using muscular avatars in VR to reduce pain perception

Researchers at University of Tsukuba have reported that immersion in virtual reality using an avatar with a muscular build can reduce pain perception. They also noted that the combination of the gender ...

Mice navigating a virtual reality environment reveal that walls, not floors, define space

New research published in Current Biology sheds light on how animals create and maintain internal spatial maps based on their surroundings.

VR environment for teens may offer an accessible, affordable way to reduce stress

Social media. The climate crisis. Political polarization. The tumult of a pandemic and online learning. Teens today are dealing with unprecedented stressors, and over the past decade, their mental health ...

New tech could help traveling VR gamers experience ‘ludicrous speed’ without motion sickness

Vehicle passengers using VR headsets to pass the time during travel could be set to enjoy games which move at 'ludicrous speed' without experiencing motion sickness, researchers say.

Enhancing college campus safety: A virtual reality approach to understanding student emergency response

Amid the rise in emergencies on college campuses, including fires, accidents, psychological issues, and cyber threats, there's an urgent need to enhance students' emergency response abilities. Existing ...

Research team takes a fundamental step toward a functioning quantum internet

Research with quantum computing and quantum networks is taking place around the world in the hopes of developing a quantum internet in the future. A quantum internet would be a network of quantum computers, ...