In the viral video shared on Instagram, Charanjeet Kaur is seen speaking to someone on WhatsApp with a display picture of two police officers.
A recent viral video shows a street vendor preparing dosa with dry fruits in it! Watch the video below to see how people reacted to this culinary creation.
A viral video showing the making of a Holi-special sandwich has left Instagram users fascinated with the process. Find out what made it so striking below.
Earlier Neuralink Corp. live-streamed an update showing Mr Arbaugh playing video games and online chess using his mind.
Deep-pocketed food and space lovers will soon be able to enjoy gourmet dining in the stratosphere. At least if they are willing to pay almost $500,000 a ticket.
A video of Rahul Dravid has taken the internet by storm, capturing the hearts of cricket enthusiasts everywhere.
A viral video showing a vlogger crafting a rose-shaped and rose-flavoured ice candy (gola) using fresh snow has received a lot of interest online.
The Barbenheimer effect - Ken-splained
Much like the seated audience at Oscars, John Cena's bold move thrilled the Internet as well
New York Housing Crisis: The video revealed a cramped living space with questionable design choices.