Man Divides Internet By Collecting Girlfriend’s Hair And Taping It to Styrofoam Head

'Styro Steve,' one man's creepy mission to collect his girlfriend's hair on a styrofoam head, went viral with memes and even a cryptocurrency

Their Song Spawned an Internet Mystery. Now They’re Ready to Tell Their Story

Christopher and Philip Booth, musicians behind viral mystery song 'Ulterior Motives,' tease release of entire lost album of '80s pop

Republicans Are Coming to Take Your Porn (Again)

Republican state laws mandating age verification on porn sites give them the power to censor sexual speech and information across the internet.

The Year in Internet Downfalls

From ill-phrased sexts to racist rants, a matrix of the worst recent moments of creator culture.

The Sun Used to Be Yellow, According to This Cosmic Conspiracy Theory

The sun used to be yellow but turned white, according to conspiracy theorists who blame everything from man-made change to the Mandela Effect.