Indoor cat’s reaction after seeing garden for first time delights internet

One TikToker commented: "Looking like he's about to steal Christmas with that tiptoe walk around the planter."

Dog leading owner to get him a pup Cup delights internet

"He got a lil' pep in his step when he heard pup cup," one TikTok user wrote under the post.

Man shows off “rockstar cat daddy” skills but the Internet isn’t convinced

"I've never seen a cat stand for so long," one TikTok user commented under the post.

Box of ‘spicy’ kittens hissing in unison has internet in hysterics

"Introducing Jalepeno, Chipotle, Habanero, Ghost (Pepper) and Cayenne lmao," one TikTok user joked below the post.

Internet obsessed with cat’s bestie, the window cleaner: “I’d marry him”

"The way I'd marry him on the spot," one TikTok user commented under the post, as dozens of other users gushed over the handsome window cleaner.

Puppy proving “monsters under the bed are real” has internet in stitches

"I would like to see the monster, please," one TikTok commenter said.

Internet obsessed with cat confused by sister’s kittens: “What is that?”

The curious feline can be seen peering over the litter of kittens timidly in the viral TikTok post.

Large dog’s method to force small pooch off couch leaves internet howling

A video showing the Great Dane/Pyrenees mix making itself comfortable—at the expense of its smaller sibling—has gone viral.

Dachshund’s reaction to warm clothes in the dryer delights internet

"My dachshund is also obsessed with the *spicy* laundry," one TikTok user commented under the post.

Dad’s way of keeping cat off his flower bed leaves internet in stitches

"It's giving 'get off the grass' by The Princess Diaries," one user joked.