Rashid was released as a DLC combatant in Street Fighter 6 not too long ago. As such, A.K.I. is the next DLC character that's slated to be released sometime in fall 2023.It's expected that we ...
As we've finally reached Evo 2023 weekend, thousands of Street Fighter 6 players from across the entire world have gathered to prove they and their characters are the best out of everyone.One of the favorites going into the ...
As we've finally reached Evo 2023 weekend, thousands of Street Fighter 6 players from across the entire world have gathered to prove they and their characters are the best out of everyone.One of the favorites going into the ...
Trying to rate a fighting game character's strengths and weaknesses is mostly subjective and will change depending on who you ask, but there's still generally some consensus through its discussion.Inside-Games recently spoke to Street Fighter 6 Director ...
Now that Street Fighter 6 has been in the hands of players for a few weeks now and the new game smell is starting to fade a bit, we're starting to hear more about the issues people are seemingly ...
As a massive multi-product franchise, Transformers have appeared in just about every medium and sub-genre of anything you can think of, and that includes bad fighting games.Matt McMuscles travels back to the distant past of 1999/ 2000 to explore ...
Street Fighter 6 was finally released just a few days ago. As such, Nigel "Noodalls" Woodall, input lag test aficionado, has recently reported his findings about Street Fighter 6's input latency.It would appear that Noodalls has spent quite ...
Street Fighter 6 is now just over away from releasing worldwide on consoles and PC, but it seems like we're still learning more about it.It appears to be confirmed now that Capcom is implementing Denuvo Anti-Tamper tech into ...
Street Fighter 6 is giving the cast of old school world warriors a makeover for the new game, but it appears that they and every other character in the game will have access to more outfits when the game releases ...
There's been tons of animals who've been made into fighting game characters in the past from dogs to kangaroos, but we don't think we've ever seen a tapir before.That is until this weekend, however, when ...