A threat actor modified the source code of at least five plugins hosted on WordPress.org to include malicious PHP scripts that create new accounts with administrative privileges on websites running them.
A cybercriminal tracked as the "Lemon Group" has been infecting millions of Android-based smartphones, watches, TVs, and TV boxes, with a malware strain named 'Guerilla.'
A financially motivated cybergang tracked by Mandiant as 'UNC3944' is using phishing and SIM swapping attacks to hijack Microsoft Azure admin accounts and gain access to virtual machines.
The Dutch government will adopt the RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) standard on all its systems before the end of 2024 to upgrade the security of its internet routing.
Hackers are adding malicious functionality to WinRAR self-extracting archives that contain harmless decoy files, allowing them to plant backdoors without triggering the security agent on the target system.
The Sharp Panda cyber-espionage hacking group was observed targeting high-profile government entities in Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, using a new version of the 'Soul' malware framework.
The RIG Exploit Kit is undergoing its most successful period, attempting roughly 2,000 intrusions daily and succeeding in about 30% of cases, the highest ratio in the service's long operational history.