Playing N64 Games in Virtual Reality with RetroTink 4K is Quite the Experience

Playing N64 games, especially Super Mario 64, in virtual reality with RetroTink 4K is most certainly quite the experience. The setup consists of an actual N64 console, a Meta Quest VR headset, an EVERDRIVE-64 X7 cartridge, and then a RetroTINK 4K upscaler device. Simply plug the console into the RetroTINK 4K, and then a Hagibis USB-C Capture Card into the latter. Next, hook up the VR headset to the HDMI adapter, and you're ready to play. For those who get motion sickness, we recommend just connecting the N64 console directly into a standard TV, or you may end up with

Researchers Unveil MouseGoggles, a Virtual Reality Headset for Mice

Researchers from Cornell University unveil MouseGoggles, an immersive virtual reality headset for mice that was made using low-cost, off-the-shelf components, such as smartwatch displays and tiny lenses. It offers visual stimulation over a wide field of view while tracking the mouse’s eye movements and changes in pupil size. The team hopes that this technology will help unlock neural activity that informs spatial navigation and memory function, thus providing new insights into disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease as well as its potential treatments. How does it stay on a mouse? Well, they aren't exactly wearing the headset, as the mouse stands