Sundar Pichai took to X to announce Google’s latest quantum chip, Willow. It attracted Elon Musk's comment, leading to a conversation between them.
Month: December 2024
Sundar Pichai took to X to announce Google’s latest quantum chip, Willow. It attracted Elon Musk's comment, leading to a conversation between them.
The company behind ChatGPT released Sora, a video generation tool that can produce highly realistic clips – but also struggles with human anatomy.
The company behind ChatGPT released Sora, a video generation tool that can produce highly realistic clips – but also struggles with human anatomy.
PLAQUEMINE — Phones and internet services in Plaquemine's city hall are up and running again after a power outage in the city, government officials said Monday.
/PRNewswire/ -- Report on how AI is driving market transformation - The global gaming market size is estimated to grow by USD 117.2 billion from 2024-2028,...
Internet Use Greece - The survey sampled 3,585 households. 86.3% aged 16-74 said they used the Internet in the first quarter of 2024.
The news about the Volaris crew promptly acting and preventing a possible hijack of the Volaris Flight 3041 has hit the internet, and social media users are reacting to the shocking incident with surp