UMFF 2024 TV/Web Series, Virtual Reality, LGBTQ, Mobile Films - Series #1 (Screening in Meeting Room #1).
*The Heart Helper Podcast, directors Jodie S Smith, Dame Dozha - United States - 40:01 mins.
*Pitched Together, director Diego Bonilla - United States - 7:25 mins.
*Police Dispatch: Briarmoor, director Eric R. Williams - United States - 14:10 mins.
*Theatrum Radix, director Marlene Bart - Germany - 17 mins.
*The Deloach and Gene Show, drectors Franklin Anthony, David Bazemore - United States - 30:27 mins.
Month: October 2024
KMTelecom was chosen to receive a $515,564 grant, which it will be using to provide fiber optic cables to provide faster internet speeds in rural areas including Genoa and Douglas.
When humans step foot again on the moon, they can tag Prada in their Instagram posts.
The latest competent intelligence report published by Vantage Market Research with the title An Increase in Demand and Opportunities for Global Virtual Reality in Gaming Market 2024 provides a sorted image of the Virtual Reality in Gaming industry by analysis ...
The "Infinite Museum" will use a virtual reality headset to display the history of Lincolnshire.
Augmented and Virtual Reality AR VR Market exploration report for 2024 2032 offers an in depth analysis of the key driving factors influencing the market including revenue flows segment wise data region specific insights and country level information This comprehensive ...
The observations of the first space travellers enhanced our understanding of the universe. Having more humans in space is a continuation of that endeavour
Vero Fiber, which began laying cables in town and plans to activate its first local customers by the end of 2024, offers internet at a lower price for the same speeds as Optimum, the city’s largest…
A recent study found that teens with internet addiction have disrupted signaling between brain regions that control attention and working memory.