Last October, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) abandoned its longstanding demand for World Trade Organization provisions to protect cross-border data flows, prevent forced data localization, safeguard source codes, and prohibit countries from discriminating against digital products based on nationality. It was a shocking shift: one that jeopardizes the very survival of the open internet, with all the kno...
Month: February 2024
Discover Genie, the magical AI wizard from Google DeepMind, trained on internet videos to create endless action-packed virtual worlds. Genie can bring to life human-designed creations such as sketches to make an interactive world
Lee County leaders are currently enrolled in a program to bring broadband Internet access to residents as they work to improve technology for businesses and education and social purposes.
Power to the Clayton County jail has gone completely out, leaving inmates and staff with no phone, lights, internet, or HVAC, according to the sheriff.
23 percent believe internet is too difficult to understand and 22 percent are users are not aware of the benefits of the internet.
XR Today reports on the latest extended reality news from around the globe, including virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.
Ambala will see internet suspension in areas under the jurisdiction of Sadar Ambala, Panjokhera and Naggal Police Stations on February 28-29.
The snap was taken at the 35th Annual Producers Guild Awards at the Ray Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on Sunday.
The video, which has since gone viral, depicts the tattoo artist engraving the name 'Amruta,' the man's girlfriend, inside his lower lip.
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's breakup is trending on the internet, not soon after Travis Kelce was spotted partying in Las Vegas. Here's the reason their breakup might be trending.