Qualcomm said Thursday its new Snapdragon chip for spatial computing devices will be used by Samsung and Google to develop greatly enhanced mixed-reality visual clarity for enhanced XR or extended reality experiences.
Month: January 2024
If you’re hoping to read more in the new year, you’re in luck.
An image of an old desktop computer blew up online, sparking a discussion about how our relationship to the internet has changed in the past two decades.
We've got plenty. Do something else.
The #KeepItOn coalition is calling on authorities in Bangladesh to ensure access to the internet before, during, and after upcoming elections.
Perplexity, with a fraction of Google’s users, raised the largest sum by an internet search startup in recent years.
Elvis Presley fans who missed out on seeing their hero when he was alive will be able to catch a glimpse of the King of Rock 'n' Roll perform later this year, thanks to virtual reality.
Mr Amarnathan is seen using several exercises including bench press, dumbbells and ab movements.
India became the first team in the history of cricket to lose 6 wickets without adding any run to their score, bringing out an epic reaction from Ravi Shastri.
Elvis Evolution will use AI and holographic projection, augmented reality, and live theater to recreate events in Presley's life and music