People Who Are Old Enough To Remember Life Before The Internet Are Sharing The Things They Miss Most, And I Have To Agree

"You didn’t have to be constantly connected. There was no expectation that people could reach you 24/7. If they called your house and you were out, they’d just have to wait until you got home. They couldn’t message you on five different social media platforms."

Indoor cat’s reaction after seeing garden for first time delights internet

One TikToker commented: "Looking like he's about to steal Christmas with that tiptoe walk around the planter."

Motorola Razr+ pre-orders are open – where to get the best deal, including 80% off

You can now pre-order the Motorola Razr+ and, thanks to one special deal, you can even score up to 80% off of the purchase!

Steam update overhauls desktop client, brings notes and pinned windows

Much of the improvement is behind the scenes, but some new features stand out

Dear VR Studios, need a break in the meditation temple?

Your VR games are boring. Your trailers are a waste of time. You simply haven't grasped the potential of VR.

Final Fantasy XVI’s Menu Screen Does Something Ridiculously Neat

The Square Enix action-RPG does something flashy when the clock isn't ticking

Epic Games Store Reveals Free Game for June 22

Epic Games Store releases two free games for June 15, while revealing what will replace them on June 22, and there's a lot of variety.

Samsung’s 2018 Galaxy Watch just got an update, two years after support ended

Samsung just unexpectedly released a new update for its 2018 Galaxy Watch series, two years after support was supposed to end.

Xbox’s game studios are all-in on the current gen, leaving Xbox One support to the cloud

Also on tap: Longer development times and squeezing more power from Series S.

I was puppy scammed on the internet

It appeared that he made around $4,000 from this sucker.