Regional hospital hoping to bring virtual reality to its emergency department

An appeal is launched to raise funds for virtual reality headsets that can help keep children calm when they have to go to hospital.

Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable Could Be An Anime Fan’s Dream Come True

The Meta Quest Gaming Showcase revealed some new footage of Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable and it appears to be a faithful adaptation of the anime.

Nintendo Officially Shuts Down eShop Sales in Russia

Nintendo has officially ceased all eShop sales to customers living in Russia as of May 31.

This New McDonald’s Hack Is Taking Over The Internet

Asgard’s Wrath 2 Looks Like the Definitive Open World VR Game

Revealed during the Meta Quest Gaming Showcase, the upcoming VR open-world RPG Asgard's Wrath 2 is completely stacked with content.

Best Diablo 4 Druid build: Best skills for the Druid

Our Storm Druid will send lightning magic surging through hordes of enemies, dealing plenty of damage and leaving them with some debuffs and status effects.

So, Who Owns a Photo Expanded by Adobe Generative Fill?

Who owns it, and is any work protected?

Vimeo Is Shutting Down Its TV Apps This Month

Vimeo is phasing out its existing TV apps, telling customers they'll have a "better ongoing experience" by using video-casting features instead.

Invest Newark Nails Down Accreditation, Affordable Internet Grant

See two recent updates from the City of Newark's economic development corporation.

Internet of Things Play Samsara Posts Big Earnings Beat

Who needs AI? The IoT landscape is a lot less crowded, and that is just fine with Samsara.