Comedian Shraddha Jain whose hilarious take on tech sector layoffs went viral on social media has come up with another fun skit. This time, Ms Jain, who is famous as 'Aiyyo Shraddha' on social media, poked fun at the performance review process.
Month: May 2023
From killed features, to sabotaging its third-party ecosystem, the Google smart home ecosystem is looking dire.
An Apple supplier has all but confirmed the iPhone 15 Pro won't feature solid-state buttons..
Internal company documents reveal Google's next big move in the AI space
Redfall has hit a new low on Metacritic for Xbox and Bethesda. When Redfall was released earlier [...]
Lots to sort through here.
The county hopes to hand off survey data to internet service providers, looking to expand broadband internet infrastructure in the region with the use of federal infrastructure funds.
Photos from the actress' rare outing sparked discourse on social media.
Kurt "The CyberGuy" Knutsson warns how you can be scammed by clicking on a false advertisement and how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
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