Month: February 2023

Evo 2023 hits Las Vegas this August.

Samsung clarifies what the display blemish is and how it's not a defect.

PlayStation has released its updated virtual reality headset for the PS5.

The Evolution Championship Series has announced the official title lineup for EVO 2023, which will run from August 4 to 6 at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

[imagecaption align="right"] Professor Kristelia G

Court found harm to potential competition a viable anti-merger legal theory, but required evidence FTC could not produce.
The FTC has decided to abandon its challenge to Meta Platforms Inc.’s

The blockbuster tabletop game had been #1 since December 2017

Update: The story has been updated with the full games lineup for Evo 2023.After a pretty triumphant return to the big stage last year, the Evolution Championship Series is likely looking to make an even larger push for their ...